Wednesday 12 July 2017

A Walk in the Woods #dreamdiary32

I’m walking in the woods. I’m alone but I’m following a trail and I know where I’m going. I’m at the top of a hill and the trail bends round to the right and descends into some trees; where the mud path gets turned into a stone trail. I follow this trail and I’m at the gates to a stately home; and there’s a big wooden information board showing all the trails that you can do on the site. It’s late in the evening but not too dark; so I decide to head home. When I arrive, the house is in darkness so I quietly make my way to my camp bed which is already made up in my friend’s living room and go to sleep. I’m the first to wake up and head into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. Everyone else is hungover and seemed to have gone to the bar to drink vodka rather than explore the evening trails.

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