Friday 28 July 2017

Black Sheep Best Bitter at the Dalesway Hotel, Ilkley

This was a corner pub in the heart of a busy village. The bar is built into a corner too; and the pub is divided into two sections through the corner. There’s plenty of round tables for group seating; which we took advantage of to hang our wet coats on the chairs. The main bar was left for the locals to be a bit more intimate. The atmosphere was very quiet for a late afternoon but they sell themselves as a music pub during weekends; though what the reaction is to the guests of the hotel is unknown. The beer was good; not inspiring but it was local to the area and it was very welcome after trudging through the moors during a hailstorm. The lighting is quite bright; especially at the bar area. They’re very enterprising with their social media; no sooner than I’d checked us in on Facebook did I receive a comment from themselves suggesting I order something from the kitchen! A shame that they didn't come out and engage with us in person. 

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