Friday 14 July 2017

Purity Ubu at the Rose and Crown, Redditch

This estate pub has evolved from a community venture that looks after its locals to whoever pays the bill. There’s a small bar area with a pool table for the locals and a TV or two to keep them occupied; but the main event is the open-plan lounge that’s open to diners. Three hand pulls are available on the horseshoe bar, but usually there’s just one beer available from a national brewer. There may be a second if it’s closer to the weekend. There’s also a staggering choice of food on the menu; though often it depends on what’s actually in stock and what devices are working that day. There’s a beer garden which used to host a play area but this is now devoted to grass. I wonder if this is an increasing trend to pubs to ensure that they’re not liable in case of accidents. But there’s no sense of localism here unless you’re prepared to squat in the bar.

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