Tuesday 25 July 2017

A Trio of Desserts

For those not in the know, these are apparently a trio of desserts. The big pink thing that looks like a tongue is actually strawberry sauce slithered out of a catering pack. It’s probably measured for its length and the chef likes to take pride in a colourful plate. The brownie is the brownest brown that I’ve ever seen and I wouldn’t like to think where that comes from when I’m eating. And you’d think that that perfect brown sphere would be chocolate ice cream. It’s not, it’s a macaroon. The white chocolate mousse was nice, but I’ve seen bigger Forrero Rocher. And look at all that white space on the rest of the plate. How is this a festive pudding? As this was a Christmas party, couldn’t there be a better choice or something more traditional? Or has health and safety decided that this is the safest pudding that can be served? There was a choice of starters, so why not desserts?

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