Thursday 20 July 2017

Pre-School Duplo

One of my favourite things that my niece likes to do when she comes over to play is to build things out of Duplo! We’ve made towers for her to knock down, trains and bridges for her to drive; and I’ve bought her a zoo set to add to her collection. It’s easy to spot the new Duplo sets from the old one; as well as the faded paint, the old bricks seem to be made of a sturdier plastic. But her latest favourite thing is to build a school out of what we’ve got. So I’ve found a school Duplo set, complete with teacher, desk, two pupils, and a door featuring a classroom wall. Oddly, there’s even a bathroom set. And although she’s five she’ll still love playing with it, and the younger one has also begun to join in with the building. Next year I’ll have to get her on the proper stuff; but hopefully not until the younger one’s ready.

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