Thursday 13 July 2017

What the Audience Saw

So there’s four blokes in front of us hanging off a pole at the moment. The bottom one’s fallen asleep; he’s just crossed his legs over and nodded off. The one above him is also getting ready for a kip. Wouldn’t it be nice for them to at least smile and wave? Or are they on the minimum wage? Tribal man number three looks like he’s having a snack while he’s up there. And number four’s the look-out; making sure that no-one’s going to interfere with his brothers while they’re on the pole. But shouldn’t one of them be facing the other way? Or at least they should each be at ninety-degree angles? It’s a bit rude of them to have their backs to the other half of the audience. And what have they got in their hats? I think I might just nip off to the bar while it’s quiet;  hopefully something more interesting will be happening when I get back.

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