Wednesday 26 July 2017

A Night on the Town #dreamdiary34

It’s Saturday night and I’m having a shower. Everyone wants to seem to head up into Birmingham for a pub crawl and a curry but it’s way too late to set off into town. I’m upset because I just know that I’m going to get sick. Everyone is preparing to set off without me; moaning that I’m letting the side down. Not wanting to miss out on anything, I decide to set off after them and catch a bus. I’m the only one on it. I’ve got no idea where the others are. Eventually, I reach town and pop into a bar for a pint. The bar’s empty because it’s last orders. No-one’s answering their phone and I’ve got no idea how to get back home without my own two feet taking an expensive cab. It’s one of those feelings that you get when everyone else wants to do something without you.

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