Sunday 16 July 2017

Commander Inappropriate

Too many awkward pauses and mistimed jokes ruin this series which would otherwise be a very enjoyable series. It’s a cross between South Park and House of Cards; with the focus on mocking the actions of the Trump administration. The newsreaders and spokespeople seem too superficial and artificial at times, sometimes appearing completely crazy on their first introduction; and always dodges the questions that they are asked. There’s also too many gaps between each scene. Their main character also has too many gaps, but that could just be to portray his intelligence. Only one episode has been made, but whether this was out of fear of being sued or was just unpopular we will never know. It would be interesting to see how much of Trump’s career could be mocked. But on the plus side; they’ve got his tweeting habits right; and all his co-workers hate him. It’s a shame as this could have been a brilliant idea.

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