Wednesday 5 July 2017

Monkey Waiters

If you’re bored of using regular nonchalant waiting staff, then why not hire some monkey butlers? They’re quick and nimble to get around your restaurant; just as long as there’s a network of overhead branches for them to swing from. If not, our older chimps can roller-skate; drive; or deliver your customer’s order to their table in a number of novelty ways. Ordering by number makes things so much easier; and there’s an interactive screen at each table so that someone is always managing service from behind the scenes. They’re only too happy to help so long as they get a banana when they return to the kitchen. Got a complaint? Then they’ll just blow a raspberry at your customers; leaving you to take care of your more straight-forward paying customers. And once the evening is over; they’re just happy to party the night away until it’s time for the next service. They’re the original grease monkeys! 

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