Monday 24 July 2017


I was quite looking forward to seeing Nolan’s version of events; but it seemed to show scenes rather than an actual plotline. We’re shown three different storylines but they’re not really fixed together. And you can tell it’s a Nolan film because there’s plenty of bass, sirens and heart noises in the build-up to the action scenes. The aerial sorties were excellent; though you don’t see things from the enemy’s point of view as in traditional war films. In fact, you don’t see the enemy at all other than the Messerschmitts. There are a few outcomes that I didn’t understand. Why did the commander decide to remain behind? Why didn’t Peter seek justice for George’s death And I thought that the trawler scene was quite weak. I was really hoping that they would charge up to defend it. I suppose it comes down to those who chose to serve and those who were drafted. But the fear and cowardice and will to survive is portrayed perfectly, and it was very enjoyable to watch. 

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