Saturday 15 July 2017

Tribal Firemen

A member of the Wamapoke tribe is on duty, and he’s spotted smoke from a mansion afar! After a quick scout with his binoculars he sees flames and hits a button inside his lookout tower. The bell sounds and the tribal firemen race into action! After sliding down the pole; they jump into their jeep and they’re on their way to attend the fire. A herd of zebra is grazing outside the fire station but within seconds a crew member leaps out with a spear and slaughter the nearest one. The others get the message and flee quickly. Meanwhile the passenger throws the zebra’s legs into the back of the jeep and throws the skin onto the seat of the vehicle. Once they arrive, they gather the local villagers and get them to hold hands in a circle surrounding the mansion while everyone burns inside. Once the house has collapsed, they begin roasting the zebra legs. Better sort it out yourself chaps. 

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