Sunday 23 July 2017

The Shadow

Just when you’ve got the perfect angle for your shot, you have to deal with the other buggers. The ones that get in your way. When it’s a still picture it’s all fine and dandy and you can just press the button again or crop them out afterwards. If you’re lucky then they’ll move out of the way or duck as they pass. But when it’s a moment like a live action shot; it’s very difficult to re-create the moment again. Some people like to engineer the pose but that’s not really capturing the moment. Maybe you’ll have a chance in a few minutes or maybe it’s worth popping back later.  Sometimes you’ve just got to accept it. After all, you’re not the only person on this planet; and you’ve got no idea as to why this person has disturbed your shot. Why should the whole street come to a standstill just so you can squeeze your image in? 

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