Tuesday 18 July 2017

An Awkward Social Call #dreamdiary33

It’s early morning and the doorbell rings. I’m still in my dressing gown. I head downstairs and as I start unlocking the front door I see a familiar man standing in front of a modern saloon car on our driveway. I can’t put a name to his face but invite him inside and I tell my mother that we have a visitor. She greets the man but says no more and instead picks up a newspaper to read. I smile and attempt to make small talk but every subject seems to have fled my brain. Eventually I cone out with ‘Nice today isn’t it?’ to which he responds ‘Yes, it is’. After another awkward pause no general conversation has started so I offer our visitor a hot drink. ‘Tea please’ he says. My mother still hasn’t made any conversation and I suddenly wonder whether she actually knows him or not through her walking group; or has our visitor come to see me? I’ve still no idea why he’s here, but he does have an air of being expected about him. How do I approach the subject of his visit?

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