Sunday 2 July 2017

The Ascension of Corn-on-the-Cob Man!

In order to spend a gift voucher, I bought a Lego Mini-figure for the novelty of it. There was immediate interest as some of the girls had no idea what was inside. It was a shame that we didn’t have any of the Batman figures on display but in a way it made it all the more novel as I got -corn-on-the-cob man! Whether he’s an unsung hero in the Lego universe or simply a humble farmer trying to sell his wares is a complete mystery which makes it all the more interesting to find him a backstory. Is it a costume; or was he grown that way? Was he raised in the middle of a field? Is he loved for his novelty or mocked for wearing his moustache? In a way I’m grateful that he’s not a banana because of the innuendos that he’d otherwise open himself up to. But like all people in the Lego world; he’s happy, he’s green; and he’s ready to be involved as much as he can. He certainly looks out of sync with the rest of the Lego world; but then why not?

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