Thursday 31 December 2015

New Year's Dishonours List

As we approach 2016, the Queen's New Year honours list has been announced. And what a scandal it has caused. As well as the worthy list of sports personalities and actors or actresses; it is now deemed necessary for politicians and leaders of failing businesses to receive an award. Despite it's failure to process enquires; the Head of the U.K. tax office has been made a Dame despite her failure to successfully run the department or previous departments in her career. So has she been nominated for compensation for all the suffering of being complained at? The palace surely seems to be rewarding failure here; and there seems to be a secret buddy system amongst the bureaucrats for working long hours and making mistakes. If the queen is that of touch with the common people; it surely demeans everyone else who has achieved this award. I think we need a bit more information regarding these nominations.

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