Monday 7 December 2015

The round robin...

In an effort to do more interesting things, I decided to support a friend who was starring in a community pantomime. I met with another friend and had an excellent meal; the Wetherspoons Christmas roast to be precise. Then we set off early as I knew that the venue would take some finding. After circulating the area twice, we still managed to arrive twenty minutes early; albeit to a fairly empty car park. However, inside were the production crew dismantling the set for the weekend. It turned out that the evening performance was for Saturday only, which my friend failed to inform us. Wanting to make the best of a night out, we decided on either bowling or ice skating; and a quick search on Google informed us that we were able to get to Solihull in time for the last ninety minutes of a skating disco. However, this was to be an ice hockey match in progress. So after a fifty-mile journey, we ended up losing our local pub quiz less than half a mile from where we first agreed to meet. When you try to make things happen, you just can’t win. 

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