Tuesday 15 December 2015

Another works do...

I’ve been invited to take part in another works do. This one is posher and is just for the mangers and team leaders; we’ve been asked to acquire black tie which luckily someone offered theirs for beer. A hotel has been booked (though I’m not entirely sure where) and a deposit has been paid. Though I’m in two minds as to whether or not to go; it does look like a glitzy party with proper canapés and entertainment. Then this week I find out that we’re starting at midday in the German market. Why is everything so last minute in this company? I’ve now been forced to give up a full two days for this party instead of a long late evening. I just hope that I’m granted some freedoms and don’t have to stick to the boss’s itinerary. And I’m already at a disadvantage as I’m not paying for the room. 

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