Monday 21 December 2015

High rolling at Christmas Party World

Our table had been blessed with wine and beer, and we found out that we were the closest to the
kitchens. While this didn’t mean that we were the first to be served; we had a view of who was being served and how the system operated. My crab starter was very nice; and a lot more refreshing to the soup that everyone else chose; but I could smell the soup and it was done very tastefully. We also had a big twitter screen to post our pictures and comments throughout the evening, and high wire dancers complete with colanders and candlesticks on their heads.
The chicken and dessert, although small in size; were very tastefully done, and my eyes lit up when I found out that Marstons Pedigree was part of the free bar. We danced and rocked; rode the waltzers; then watched our manager throw up in a wine bucket (who watched us riding the waltzers!).  There was also a casino and I was doing very well at the roulette table until it was time for last orders and I put everything on the evens…only to receive a big fat green zero. It somehow seemed fixed…

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