Wednesday 2 December 2015


‘I don't believe it’.
‘It's true’.
‘Well, strike me down and blow me sideways’.
An electronic alarm sounds throughout the TARDIS as a sudden lurch throws Clara and the doctor to the walls. The doctor hit the wall face first; while Clara lands on top of him with an ‘oof’. A mug perched on the console flys across the room and smashes into one of the roundels;,narrowly missing Clara’s face.
‘Ah no’, said the Doctor, ‘this can't be happening’.
‘I’m OK said Clara, ‘it missed me’.
‘But that was my souvenir mug from Raxacoricofallapatoriuos’.
‘Never mind that, why have we crashed Doctor?’ yells Clara in annoyance.
‘Something must have interfered with the gravity stabiliser’. He pushes Clara to one side who gives a yelp as she rolls off him. He opens his waistcoat and puts on his sonic specs. After a few buzzes a screen on the TARDIS’s console flickers. ‘Hmm, it seems that we’ve arrived in parallel to local gravity conditions. I’m going to need more information.’ He climbs to his feet.
‘You're standing on the wall.’
‘Yes, it appears so.’
‘How is that possible?’
‘I've no idea, but we're going to have to take a peek outside’.
‘Is it safe?’
‘I've no idea, there's just a bland grey on the video screen. Now get up.'

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