Sunday 13 December 2015

Prescott is back...

I just found out that John Prescott has made a return to politics by becoming Chair of the Council of Europe’s Environment Committee. Has the world gone mad? This is the man who owns two Jaguars and drives one of them a hundred yards up the road to make a speech about saving the environment. A man who is well known to take naps during parliamentary debates. So what has he been up to on this committee? Well, not a lot apart from announcing that the targets set by the UK government are unrealistic. Probably from the comfort of a corporate jet paid for by us while trying to figure out how to form the Republic of Humbleside under the pretence of a police commissioner. I wonder how much free fossil fuel was thrown in for his performance? And in the meantime, if he does has to attend any boring meetings, he can always sleep through them. 

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