Friday 25 December 2015

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas! I was dragged out of bed at the ridiculously early hour of 7am for our present opening ceremony, but we had to get ours out of the way before the girls came over so that we had enough room and that there were a fair share of presents for everyone to open. No moneypot to open this year, I expect it's all been spent on holidays and the girls. But I did get a nice pair of goggles from my brother. I did feel a bit cheap handing over just some chocolate and a DVD but I had bought presents for his family as well. Millie loved crawling around with her pillow, and Kim was very impressed with Chloe’s present. Chloe looked at it very politely, I expect she'll enjoy it more if she gets round to playing with it. Then it was off to the pub for the usual Christmas pint with the lads before Christmas dinner where we hide away from all the hard work! After lunch and a nap it was over to my aunt’s which was a bit dull this year as it was just us. Luckily I played the work card and managed to sneak away early.

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