Thursday 10 December 2015

The works booze-up

So I’ve missed out on the work evening bash, as I got the chore of having to cover the evening shift. And what a load of gossip I’ve missed. Drunken teenagers getting preloaded then actually getting served at the bar. Colleagues pushing random people across the dance floor, smashing glasses; grabbing every glass of wine that comes their way and stealing the rest of the bottle, then having to be taken aside by other colleagues to sit in the corner. People retching after the first taste of posh food. People attempting to walk two miles along a country road into the town centre with one step forward then seven steps back. And the final result is being thrown out of the hotel with a complaint to the manager a few days later with a lot of faded memories. That’s the people I work with. And I missed out on all of it! 

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