Monday 14 December 2015

First Brit on the Space Station

So we’ve finally managed to send a Brit to join the team on the International Space Station. He will spend six months orbiting the earth while doing experiments. But what these experiments are; we have no idea. If it is to test new technologies, then the need for confidentiality is understandable; yet frustrating since the venture is undertaken with public money. But if it’s to see how fast you can complete a Rubik’s Cube in space or the effects of drinking Coca-Cola in low gravity conditions; these experiments are clearly wasted. Surely if Peake is conducting a series of educational experiments to inspire children; we have a right to know what they are? I personally feel that his time would be better spent helping to develop the space station. And what’s most frustrating is the coverage given to this event. Was it really a slow news day so that half of the main daily news bulletin could be devoted to it? 

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