Friday 11 December 2015

Please wait...

What do computers think we’re doing while we wait for them? Do they expect us to endlessly stare at the screen while they struggle to complete the task assigned to them? Perhaps there's no-one at home; actually they've nipped off for a fag or some other comfort break. Perhaps there's a group of people in an office that chooses what appears on your screen. If you’re doing something out of the box, they might need to call their supervisor for help. Or is it a marketing scam? Perhaps it's an effort to force you to do something else to distract you from the task you were doing; because if you were doing something it doesn't like then it's definitely trying to stop you. Maybe the distraction is a further excuse for it to allow its current task to run even slower. There are lists out there to suggest what to do while waiting for your computer. Some suggest ways to make your computer faster; some are three minute recipes and some promote exercise. But at the end of the day, we’re still waiting.  

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