Saturday 19 December 2015

Baby racing

While lost in an apartment complex, I came across a rather novel form of entertainment. Two adults were racing their babies down the corridor between the apartment rooms. With a complex of this size, I was wondering if I would bump into the twin sisters from The Shining, but this was very enjoyable. A quick search on the internet proves that baby racing has been done in the past as tots chase soft toys down a small track to reach the finish. It would be ideal at church fetes where all the grannies could coo over the new-borns, with parents on hand to assist should any boo-boos occur. In America, there is even a website dedicated to the post World War II ‘Diaper Derbies’. There is of course, the morality of the sport; for instance, in the case of commercial gain it would deem to be cruel (unless the babies were genetically cloned midget actors; the series could easily be staged similar to worldwide wrestling entertainment). All I need is a group of volunteer parents with new-borns to spare…

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