Thursday 24 December 2015

A Day Off for Christmas

I was really looking forward to Christmas Eve. For once I had the day off, a pub crawl was planned with the possibility of a few pubs closer to home later that evening. And the one thing that I found myself doing was that I was actually Christmas shopping. I still had presents for four people to buy (one of which is still sitting in a corner of my room). And of all places, it had to be in sunny Stratford upon Avon. But it turns out that the traffic wasn't too bad. I was expecting to be queuing before the roundabout of the main road, but I just sailed in and found a parking space without too much trouble at all. I'd found a parking space, didn't have to queue too much in the shops, dodged the carol singers (even the begging ones) and even got in on a McDonald's Christmas burger. The only thing that ruined it was having to venture into Tesco for a few last minute items. The shelves were completely bare and even the roof lacked decorations. I felt so sorry for the people working there trapped in a soulless environment. Then I went home and decorated my pretty purchases.

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