Tuesday 8 December 2015

Tax Discs

I’ve just paid my car tax. It was a quick on-line affair where I handed over some hard-earned dough so that the government could buy more traffic cone farms. But the key difference this year is that I don’t get to receive a piece of paper to stick in the car to say that I’ve done it. So what am I supposed to do with my free complimentary tax holder? Surely it should now be illegal to display such an item to allow a greater view through your windshield? But no. Some organisations are recommending that you leave your personal details displayed in case of an accident. Some recommend holding onto it for nostalgia purposes; as there are actually people out there who collect tax discs and some will pay a fortune for some of the earlier discs. And as for me? I’m going to cut out the Batman symbol and place that there. 

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