Sunday 27 December 2015

Getting the troops organised

Every year our little gang likes to do an annual Christmas pub crawl. We simply pick an area we haven’t visited before, work out a way to get there, then seek out the top pubs in the area. However, this year we were a little stuck as we were at the breakfast stage and we still hadn’t decided where we were going. Furthermore, we were restricted to an unofficial bank holiday with restricted public transport and unknown opening hours as many pubs operate their own hours over the festive period which would be different to the regular advertised ones and only the locals would know. After discovering the star attraction of the Wolverhampton tour would be closed; we settled for Leamington Spa which none of us had any regular experience of its urban centres. Nevertheless; armed with a very low phone battery we managed to board the correct set of trains which were only fifteen minutes late and head out to our first pub.

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