Friday 1 January 2016

I've missed the Big Bang...

So a new year has arrived; and with it began grand celebrations in Stratford upon Avon to mark a four hundred year anniversary of their most famous resident, big Will. The celebrations started with a huge firework display over the Royal Shakespeare theatre, and judging by the photographs it looked to be on a similar scale to the show in London. It’s a shame that the celebrations weren't more publicised as we could have easily driven up to see the sights. We could have hung out in a pub or even book accommodation so that I wouldn't have far to travel to work the following day and get diverted because of someone crashing down a steep hill. But as I don't reside in the town, it was probably a secret best kept to the local people. I just hope that they put a bit more effort in publicising events throughout the rest of the year. 

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