Monday 11 January 2016

It's back to the old cup and string...

I have a phone call that I need to make. It’s about an e-mail that I’ve sent which urgently needs a reply. And the minute I pick up the phone to make the call, the network goes down. Oddly, I have managed to text a friend to ask if his phone is working, and he did text back. I then tried to call him and since then nothing has been going out or is being received. It’s just at a time when I actually want to cross something off my task list; and now I can’t. I have contacted the provider through the web, and they’ve sent me a text with a link to a guide of things to try. And now the guide won’t load as everyone is going on the website to complain that their phone isn’t working. There is no official statement or advice from the network provider. There are only comments from angry customers and it seems that no-one is prepared to state what the outage is or how long we are being deprived of service. Surely in this brief day and age someone from the company could put a brief statement to say sorry; we’re broken and are trying to fix it. 

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