Tuesday 5 January 2016

One Hundred Degrees Below Zero

One Hundred Degrees Below Zero is a cheap sci-fi film produced for the Syfy channel. You can tell it’s cheap as you can often see people wearing hi-vis jackets in the background of a city that is supposed to be deserted. In one of the final scenes (spoiler alert), the kids climb the Eiffel Tower as it's the agreed rendezvous to meet their parents (who just happen to be ex. war buddies with the colonel, himself only seems to be occupied with their safety over the rest of his occupation). It's then decided to tie the helicopter to the tower so that they can slide down rather than land on the rather large bridge that's four car lengths wide on the river Seine. All through the film I was trying to decide whether the girl was from Marvel’s Agents of Shield, but it turns out it’s a Thai actress with bigger boobs. If you like picking out movie plot holes, then this is for you.

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