Monday 25 January 2016

I attempt to catch a train...

Saturday was not a good morning. After heading to the gym only to find that it was packed and I had left my gym card at home; I gave up the attempt and decided to do some domestic chores. Taking a shower, washing clothes and finishing my daily game allowance seemed to do it. The next event of the day was a pub crawl in Birmingham, and I decided to headed into town to do some beer festival publicity before arriving at the venue at a decent time. There was a queue for tickets as I forgot how often trains now run; and there was no-one at the ticket office. So I headed up the road and had just enough time to deliver flyers to the pubs and return to the station. No queue this time, but as the tickets came out of the machine they looked a little different. The format of the tickets seemed to have been redesigned; so I trekked back to the machine to make sure that I had the right tickets. Then as I returned, off the train went without me. To kill time, I then decided to buy some birthday cards while waiting for the next one but misread the departure board and watched the second train pull away as I returned to the platform. So I camped in the little shelter waiting for the next one, watching someone ram their car into the fence behind. Not a good place to sit. Then the train arrived, and this time I made sure that I was on it and that I knew where I was going…

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