Saturday 9 January 2016

Banks's Bitter at the Holy Bush, Leamington Spa

We were really looking forward to venturing into the Somerville Arms, an Everards Pub that was formerly voted as the local CAMRA branch’s Pub of the Year. However, we’d fallen victim to the bank holiday closing, and the Holly Bush was the next closest pub. It was another saloon bar on entry, with two TVs in one corner while a pool table was hidden on the other side of the pub in darkness. In between was the bar with a single Banks’s Bitter hand pump. The beer wasn’t bad, but again it was the atmosphere that killed it. The barmaid seemed to have brought her family along to watch her work, and work with reluctance she certainly did. The pub itself seemed hastily constructed out of timber, as if sprung up only to cater for the immediate area. I got the feel that it was more of a local social club than anything else.  

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