Saturday 16 January 2016

Dodgy deals at McDonald's

It was a sprint to get to work this morning. I kept dozing off and left the house far too late; I also ran out of de-icer. This meant that I needed breakfast, and I was very tempted to have a fry up in Tesco’s in Banbury; but I felt that I needed to eat before then to stay alert. So I decided to try the McDonald's on the Queensway island in Leamington. This is a feat in itself as parking the van would be a problem, but I had trouble enough getting in while two cars stopped five feet apart on either side of the road; not giving me enough room to manoeuvre while they finished stuffing their faces. Inside, I used the kiosk to place my order; but the server decided to give up on the order number system and my breakfast was nearly given out to someone waiting to order. I felt that it was way too small to be a restaurant; hopefully the majority of their business is through the drive-through. But on the plus side, it seems to be cheaper than my usual restaurant; meaning that I could have a toffee latee for he same price that I usually pay. 

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