Sunday 31 January 2016

The repair man

My aunt has just brought her computer round as it has decided to stop working. I instantly notice that the power lead is very loose, but suggests that she takes it into a repair shop as it is still charging and has power, yet won’t re-boot. I googled how much a new cable would cost, and the nearest computer repair shop, and was surprised to learn that the closest one had actually turned into a vintage record store. I also googled what the various combinations of flashing lights meant, but all the manufacturer pages asked me to download their free tool, which isn’t a great help when it was my aunt’s machine that was broken, not mine (great help guys). There are various options for her to take into account, and the last thing I want doing is her to buy a new one which would mean that muggins here would have to get everything up and running for her again. But hopefully she will get great service from Mr. computer man.

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