Wednesday 20 January 2016

A new deity has come to life...

I nearly found a new god. I heard on the radio about the struggle of an Austrian Pastafanarian who was recently challenged to remove his religious dress when having his driver’s licence photograph taken. This was because he followed the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a modern and novel satire on religion when an American protested that Intelligent Design would replace Creationism on his school’s curriculum. What followed is an internet phenomenon with many people dressing up as pirates and taking to the streets to preach of this mock religion; where not much is known as the creator was drunk at the time; but the ancient teachings of pirates tell us that there’s a beer volcano and stripper factory in the afterlife. It just goes to show that some people are asking for a line to be called when people use religion and faith as an excuse for their behaviour; and that everyone should be treated equally. But, if you fancy putting a colander on your head (or spaghetti strainer as some call it as they see no other purpose for that object), then be my guest and check them out. 

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