Sunday 10 January 2016

I missed my ride at the White Horse, Leamington Spa

This is one of the more interesting haunts of Leamington Spa. We entered through the first door that we saw and instantly made a beeline for the bar. And waited. And waited and waited. And no staff appeared to take our order. I glance across at a group of people at a table who tell us that that particular bar is just for show, and that the real pub started around the corner. This meant that we’d missed the gigantic statue of the White Horse underneath the archway; though we found it on the way out and I was very tempted to ride it. The real bar was a part of a long corridor with separate areas for drinking, dining and relaxing. The pub is very popular with the craft beer scene and serves keg as well as craft, but certainly makes the effort to get a variety of guest beers to entice people to come back for more. I will.

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