Saturday 23 January 2016

Dream Diary 4

Last night’s dream followed a spout of uncontrolled sleep in front of the telly. After four hours’ sleep, I woke up with the light on and the TV on with BBC’s new standby music. After reading a book, I managed to get back to sleep and found myself in a square with my family somewhere in Eastbourne. We were waiting for Bob Marley who was visiting the town that day. He arrived with his band and we got quite close as his team very quickly set up the stage. Then he found that the sun was in our eyes so the stage was very quickly deconstructed and set up again on the other side of the square. At one point Marley plucked audience members out of the crowd to use as markers so that the stage pillars could be positioned quickly, including a very tall man and a small boy with dreadlocks. The concert started and we found a great spot in the square to sit down which offered lots of shade. But I was supposed to be delivering and my van was nearby. Then I spotted my colleague smoking a fag at the side of the stage.

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