Wednesday 6 January 2016

Tripped by Tripped...

just found out this morning that there is no more Tripped planned to grace our screens. I was really enjoying the parallel worlds where drugs are available at the supermarket; have intimate relationships with relatives and escaping hoards of fans, all while avoiding a bunch of killer assassins. In the last episode we at least found out why the protagonists were being hunted. But the writers could have put a lot more effort into creating other worlds. What about a world where global warming has already happened; or a world where dogs had superior intelligence? Of course, some ideas would have needed a bigger budget; but the worlds that were covered seemed very easy to construct with hardly any effort to demonstrate that they were different. The annoying thing was that we weren't given any notice that that was it; that no more episodes were forthcoming, and that kind of gives the impression that it wasn't received well and the plug was pulled. 

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