Tuesday 12 January 2016

Anyone got a clue for Celebrity Big Brother?

I accidentally ended up watching a whole hour of Celebrity Big Brother today. I had absolutely no idea who any of the contestants were, and ended up googling them to work out what they were famous for. It turns out that they’re not famous for much. There’s several Americans which we have never heard of, and some are only famous for being divorced from other more famous people. In the whole hour I watched, they were required to put on a talent show; and the rich ex-divorcee put up a serious protest as it was obvious that she had no talent to exhibit. The only talent that these people seem to have is to bitch about each other; and we seem to have given them a platform for them to over-emphasise their already inflated egos to the point of hysteria. Can’t we just put them down and do away with them?

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