Wednesday 14 August 2013

What the Holy have achieved

Despite people arguing religion and God and whether one exists; no-one can doubt the amount of effort that goes into building a cathedral. These monumental structures reach into the sky as a sign of devotion to the commitment of their faith. Inside, there’s plenty of history to see; whether it’s the tomb of families gone by; or the shrine of a saint; however artificial or plastic the refurbishment has become. The architecture inside is a document of the faith of the people and what Christianity means for them. Beneath the arches and corridors are the archives of the people and what they have done for the local community, whether they were a builder, doctor, clergyman or soldier. For me, it’s a sense of achievement as to what people can achieve. If man can build such a beautiful building with tools from over five hundred years ago; just think what else we can do today.

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