Wednesday 28 August 2013

Well, that's just grand!

Today is a monumental occasion in the world of blogging, for I have reached over one thousand views! When I first started out on this blog, it was to be a journey of improvement. And that hasn't changed, with the odd piece of creative writing or food for thought on current events. As well as running this blog I also volunteer for the Campaign for Real Ale, and the odd post will come through about what beers I’ve tried recently and exciting places that I've visited (but not just pubs, as you shall see!). It is quite difficult to maintain a blog; especially when you try to update it every day with a new topic or what happened the day before. When I look at other blogs it’s usually about how many people the missionaries have converted; or what that the Miller family have been doing. I wouldn't mind some regular comments or followers though!

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