Monday 26 August 2013

Welcome to the Seven Stars!

Welcome, whoever you are! I'm pleased to report that one of my favourite pubs is back. The Seven Stars in Headless Cross has finally re-opened its doors after nearly six months of closure. The news got around fast, as nearly all of the ex-locals came in with a smile on their face to celebrate (including the previous landlady, who was forced out because of high rent increases from the pub company). The Seven Stars is a proper community pub. It doesn't sell food; it rarely has entertainment but it does has great banter; it’s a true and friendly community locals pub. We've been drinking there most Sundays ever since we became of legal drinking age.  We now hope that we can persuade the pub company that the pub is financially viable so that they will find someone to take on the lease permanently; and not just have someone in  who owes the pub company a favour. Please show your support for the Stars!

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