Monday 5 August 2013

Rest in peace Mr. Crab

It's amazing what gets washed up alongside the beach. Seaweed. Crabs. Bits of boats. It makes you think where it all comes from. How it came to be from the pinnacle of life to being rubbish on the beach. Sometimes (if you're very lucky) you'll find a message in a bottle that tells you. But usually it's left to the imagination. I like to think that Mr. Crab had a good innings swimming in the sea and playing at fencing with other crabs; possibly cheered on by a crowd full of oysters and starfish in a gladiatorial arena. Perhaps this crab was  valiantly defeated. Perhaps he upgraded his armour and cast his old shell out. Or maybe he's had a happy time exploring beaches of the world; ogling beach babes; ruining their game of beach volleyball with his claws and hitching rides with dolphins. Or is that lobsters? Must find out what the difference is. But for now, rest in peace Mr. Crab. 

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