Saturday 24 August 2013

Hunting for a theme

Many people say they’re not theme park people. They say that the idea of standing in line for an hour just to be hurtled round the universe at break-neck speeds doesn't appeal to them. And to them I say; go when it’s quieter. There are times of the year when you can go on a weekday while most people are at work or school and practically not have to queue at all. It’s cheaper too. A friend of mine recently confessed that he wasn't a theme park person and; after dragging him to his local roller coaster centre; he absolutely loved it. We could not get him off the pirate ship and we must have ridden it four or five times in the last half hour. Meanwhile, I prefer the larger coasters, but only if I can get a comfortable ride. Going upside down is great fun; but being shaken like a jack in a box at over seventy miles per hour is not.

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