Tuesday 27 August 2013

Hanging out with the birds

If there's one animal that I wish that I could have a conversation with; it'd be a bird. Forget the interview with an anteater and what makes a rhinoceros tick; it's the birds that go to the interesting places. All that freedom to go wherever they want without limitation; and with free hotel accomodation too. Birds can nest just about anywhere; whether it's high up in a window outside a castle,  or in next door's bird box where they can keep an eye on where the cat is and nick the home-grown veg when he's not looking. I'd love to hear of the places they've been to; their favourite nesting spots and the cars that they've pooped on. Of course; millions have probably been spent on anti-nesting devices such as nets, spikes and poisons just to try and keep these birds out of public areas. But until we stop leaving every last morsel of food for them; they'll always find a way to survive and get up to mischief.

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