Saturday 3 August 2013

My inner compass is solar powered.

So tonight I had to do something I wasn't supposed to do in order to fulfil obligations. It involved a long trip halfway across the county; and the conditions weren't great given the weather. There was even a thunder and lightning storm along the way. It was good going leaving the first stop but as it was dark; my route was somehow mixed up along the way. After a circular detour I successfully arrived at the second stop; and the event was in full swing. The people there were a lot more friendly; but leave them I had to. And a hard leave it was. Once I had successfully navigated my way through the passage I was yet again in the dark. Following my instincts; I attempted to go back the way I came; but came out on a completely different path. When dark sets in; my inner compass just switches off. Must be solar powered. 

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