Tuesday 20 August 2013

It's a fair cop Guv

So we have two British girls in the news for trying to smuggle over 1 million pounds of cocaine  into Peru. Somehow they thought that our Persian friends wouldn't be able to tell the difference between illegal drugs and packets of instant soup. I suppose that, geographically; Peru is hot; ergo they don't drink soup; ergo they wouldn't think twice about someone else importing packeted foods. But of course the towelheads saw right through their reasoning and asked why you would need this amount of soup anyway. Naturally everyone thinks this is outrageous as they were only nineteen years old and were supposed to be having a holiday in Spain. The Beeb has taken a wretched photograph of them standing in the lobby of an airport, and even interviewed a former smuggler to imply that they may not be guilty through peer pressure. But why do these stories get so much hype in the news? Yes, they have been bad. Yes, they are in trouble. But do we really need to know who thinks they're innocent and who does not? We know they're guilty for not having a backbone for saying no in the first place or confessing to customs as soon as they get off the plane. So there's obviously something in it for them for keeping mum rather than to help the customs folk catch gangs like these. So lock em up and be done with them. 

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