Friday 16 August 2013

A battle with the local sheriff

Getting a bit peeved with local restrictions on what I can and can't do. When I can use the bathroom, how much time I'm allowed in the bathroom; what I have to eat, how much room I have for things and what I can watch. I need the bathroom first thing in the morning and someone is there. I come down to make my breakfast and someone is there; I have to move around them and they fuss if I try to make them move. Then there's restrictions on what I can watch and when; and where I can find my things (so long as they're not broken). The obvious solution is to move out; but then I would need a greater income to afford my own lifestyle. And finding a new job is very difficult when you haven't got the time to look for it. So it's back battling with my old enemy; Time Management. 

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