Sunday 4 August 2013

Up and over

And so, despite being the top dog on local decisions; someone has yet again decided to go over my head. I only filled this person in as a matter of courtesy as they have raised the matter. I did my part in escalating the matter; and, though I didn’t achieve the outcome that we wanted; I was able to arrange an approach that we should take up regarding our position. However, despite agreeing with this action; this was apparently not good enough; and that someone has gone further into escalating the matter with the opponent. So why ask me to get involved in the first place? Clearly I’m just a middleman here who has no power and is only required to fulfil a role as a human shield. And each attack around the shield means that it will just crumble away. But with the shields down, the bigwigs have no-one to hide behind in the first place.

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